PL/SQL Conditional Compilation

I’ve been going through the motions of database upgrades at work. From Oracle 12.2 onwards, Oracle made changes to the call interface for a number of their in-built packages that involve encrypted external communication (utl_tcp, utl_http, utl_smtp, etc). For example, the call to the routine utl_http.begin_request has gone from:

   url               IN  VARCHAR2,
   method            IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'GET',
   http_version      IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   request_context   IN  request_context_key DEFAULT NULL)


   url               IN  VARCHAR2,
   method            IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'GET',
   http_version      IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
   request_context   IN  request_context_key DEFAULT NULL,
   https_host        IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL)

When creating an https connection there’s a new parameter that needs to be supplied. The change is quite trivial but how should you handle this change from within your source code when you will have databases of different versions? You are probably faced with the scenario that your development and test databases get upgraded some time before your production databases. Development does not stop whilst this is going on. Furthermore, you don’t really want to remember to deploy new versions of code at the point in time of the upgrade as that’s yet another thing to remember within an already complicated process. Conditional compilation offers us a solution.

Using conditional compilation we can support different code sections at the same time and have Oracle use the one that is appropriate to the database version that is executing the code. For example, I use the above utl_http routines to post to Slack and pre and post 12.2 database versions can be supported using the following:

-- for Oracle 12.1 and earlier
   l_http_request := utl_http.begin_request (utl          => l_slack_webhook_url
                                            ,method       => 'POST'
                                            ,http_version => 'HTTP/1.1');
-- for Oracle 12.2 and above...
   l_http_request := utl_http.begin_request (utl          => l_slack_webhook_url
                                            ,method       => 'POST'
                                            ,http_version => 'HTTP/1.1'
                                            ,https_host   => '');

It’s quite easy to see what’s going on in the above code block. There are some lines that commence with $ and these lines are the conditional compilation lines. In this case I have a conditional IF THEN ELSE block that evaluates the database version and will compile the correct version of the utl_http call for that version.

Conditional compilation is another tool for the PL/SQL toolbox that’s quite handy in certain scenarios. The documentation has further suggested uses and the full breadth of functionality available.

ROLLUP Function

“The database seems a bit slow today…” was the comment I received upon my arrival at work recently. It wasn’t too hard to see why either with a rather large, convoluted reporting style query chugging along, much to the annoyance of the other activity in the database. Peering into the depths of the query I noticed at its core it comprised of a UNION of 3 queries. What struck me as strange was that each of the three components were nearly identical to each other:

SELECT col_1, col_2, col3, col_4
FROM <tables>
WHERE <selection criteria>
      col_1, col_2, col3, col_4
SELECT col_1, col_2, col3, 'TOTAL'
FROM <tables>
WHERE <selection criteria>
      col_1, col_2, col3, 'TOTAL'
SELECT col_1, col_2, 'TOTAL', 'TOTAL'
FROM <tables>
WHERE <selection criteria>
      col_1, col_2, 'TOTAL', 'TOTAL'

The execution details of the query showed that Oracle spent 10 minutes executing each component. The tables and the WHERE clause were identical in each of the query components. This meant that the second component is nothing more than an aggregation of the first and the third component an aggregation of the second. Surely there’s a better way of obtaining the aggregation entries without rerunning the entire query again? And there is…

Lurking in the depths of the Database Data Warehousing Guide, and not the SQL Language Reference, is a chapter titled SQL for Aggregation in Data Warehouses. The particular function we want for our query is ROLLUP. The documentation has this to say about ROLLUP:

ROLLUP enables a SELECT statement to calculate multiple levels of subtotals across a specified group of dimensions. It also calculates a grand total. ROLLUP is a simple extension to the GROUP BY clause, so its syntax is extremely easy to use. The ROLLUP extension is highly efficient, adding minimal overhead to a query.

By way of simple example we create a table with 4 columns: 3 of them dimension type attributes and one numeric metric, along with some test data:

CREATE TABLE rollup_test
	(col_a 		VARCHAR2(1)	NOT NULL
	,col_b		VARCHAR2(1)	NOT NULL
	,col_c		VARCHAR2(1)	NOT NULL
	,val		NUMBER(3)	NOT NULL);

INSERT INTO rollup_test
VALUES ('A','A','A',1);
INSERT INTO rollup_test
VALUES ('A','A','B',1);
INSERT INTO rollup_test
VALUES ('A','A','C',1);

INSERT INTO rollup_test
VALUES ('A','B','A',1);
INSERT INTO rollup_test
VALUES ('A','B','B',1);
INSERT INTO rollup_test
VALUES ('A','B','C',1);

INSERT INTO rollup_test
VALUES ('A','C','A',1);
INSERT INTO rollup_test
VALUES ('A','C','B',1);
INSERT INTO rollup_test
VALUES ('A','C','C',1);

INSERT INTO rollup_test
VALUES ('B','A','A',1);
INSERT INTO rollup_test
VALUES ('B','A','B',1);
INSERT INTO rollup_test
VALUES ('B','A','C',1);

INSERT INTO rollup_test
VALUES ('B','B','A',1);
INSERT INTO rollup_test
VALUES ('B','B','B',1);
INSERT INTO rollup_test
VALUES ('B','B','C',1);

INSERT INTO rollup_test
VALUES ('B','C','A',1);
INSERT INTO rollup_test
VALUES ('B','C','B',1);
INSERT INTO rollup_test
VALUES ('B','C','C',1);


and we can see the impact that ROLLUP has using the following query:

  2  ,      NVL(col_b,'TOTAL') AS b
  3  ,      NVL(col_c,'TOTAL') AS c
  4  ,      SUM(val)           AS sum_val
  5  FROM   rollup_test
  6  GROUP  BY
  7         col_a
  8  ,      ROLLUP(col_b, col_c)
  9  ORDER  BY
 10         col_a
 11  ,      NVL(col_b,'TOTAL')
 12  ,      NVL(col_c,'TOTAL');

COL_A  B      C       SUM_VAL
------ ------ ------ --------
A      A      A             1
A      A      B             1
A      A      C             1
A      A      TOTAL         3
A      B      A             1
A      B      B             1
A      B      C             1
A      B      TOTAL         3
A      C      A             1
A      C      B             1
A      C      C             1
A      C      TOTAL         3
A      TOTAL  TOTAL         9
B      A      A             1
B      A      B             1
B      A      C             1
B      A      TOTAL         3
B      B      A             1
B      B      B             1
B      B      C             1
B      B      TOTAL         3
B      C      A             1
B      C      B             1
B      C      C             1
B      C      TOTAL         3
B      TOTAL  TOTAL         9

26 rows selected.

Applying it to our reporting query was as simple as replacing the UNION ALL with:

SELECT col_1, col_2, NVL(col3,'TOTAL'), NVL(col_4,'TOTAL')
FROM <tables>
WHERE <selection criteria>
      col_1, col_2, ROLLUP(col3, col_4)

No more UNION ALL, no more execution of (nearly) the same query three times and an immediate saving of 20 minutes of wasted execution time… and all before my morning coffee.